Giorgia Gallucci

Giorgia Gallucci

PhD student

Università degli Studi di Padova

Giorgia Gallucci (1995) is born in Atri (TE - Italy). In 2019 she received her Master Degree, magna cum laude, in Modern Philology at Sapienza - University of Rome with a dissertation titled Per una nuova edizione dell’Epistolario di Annibal Caro (1554-1557) under the supervision of Emilio Russo and Matteo Motolese. She has been in Sapienza Advanced Superior School (SSAS) since 2017. Her interests are also focused on the transition from Renaissance to Baroque, particularly on the 16th- and 17th-century lyric poetry, and on Digital Humanities. The title of her PhD project (2019-2022) is Citizenship, Roman history and Neo-Stoic ethics in the theatrical production of the Republic of Lucca (17th-18th century)

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Giorgia Gallucci's publication

<p><i>Recitar cantando la libertà. Il dramma per musica nella Repubblica di Lucca (1636-1705)</i>, Roma, Carocci</p>

Recitar cantando la libertà. Il dramma per musica nella Repubblica di Lucca (1636-1705), Roma, Carocci


<p>“Close Reading and Idea Encoding: Digital Edition of Opera Libretti”, <i>Umanistica digitale</i>, 15</p>

“Close Reading and Idea Encoding: Digital Edition of Opera Libretti”, Umanistica digitale, 15


Giorgia Gallucci's events


Funded under: H2020-EU.1.1.
Grant agreement ID: 758450
Overall budget: € 1 452 210
Start date: 1 April 2018
End date: 31 March 2024
2025 RISK